STEM Education

Knox understands the value that STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) disciplines provide to our future leaders.  我们最先进的STEM实验室是学生探索技术的聚集地, computer science, and engineering.  学生可以从一个完整的课程提供动手和引人入胜的类,从机器人到3D设计和绘图, or even build their own computer!

STEM Course Offerings

Middle School Topics in STEM

Middle School Topics in STEM
本课程以项目为导向,以研究为基础,向中学生介绍STEM领域的各种主题. 在这门实践课程中,学生将学习如何合作以克服各种挑战.  主题涵盖从航空和火箭到可重复使用的能源, geology, and astronomy, coding and computer science, robotics, 3D printing, and more.  This course will be an open learning course, 也就是说,虽然全年都有一些指定的学习主题, 学生将有机会决定他们想要学习的其他主题.

3D Printing

3D Printing
3D打印课程将为学生提供使用周围世界不断发展的技术的机会. 学生将了解这些技术如何在我们的日常生活中受益. 学生将探索各种3D设计软件程序,从免费的和基于网络的到行业标准和先进的软件. 本课程将向学生介绍数字设计和绘图的元素, geometry, and how to use and work with 3D printers.  Requirements: Windows laptop with dedicated graphics preferred

3D Design and Drafting

3D Design and Drafting
3D设计和起草将为学生提供机会,扩大他们的技能在3D设计, as well as learn and use applied Geometry. Students will spend time learning geometry, geometric constructions, and 2D sketching, which will lead into 3D design. 对于整个课程,学生将在课堂内外使用融合360软件. By the completion of this course, 学生将掌握使用电动工具在大型和小型工程中工作的技能, hardware and 3D printers. Prerequisites: Successful completion of Geometry and 3D Printing. Requirements: Windows laptop with dedicated graphics

Introduction to Robotics

Introduction to Robotics
本课程向学生介绍机器人和编程的世界. Beginning with the history of robotics, 学生将了解机器人作为当今社会不可或缺的一部分是如何发挥作用的. Working in our STEM lab, 学生采取动手的方法来机器逻辑和自动化解决问题的基础,重点是运动和与当地环境的物理交互的基础知识. Requirements: Laptop (any OS)

Advanced Robotics

Advanced Robotics
Advanced Robotics further explores robotic assembly, architecture and capability, and careers available in the field. 通过了解机器人技术各个领域的多样性和力量, 学生在竞争激烈的提案-解决方案环境中协同工作. Learning will be fast-paced and hands-on, with real world problem solving at the center of the coursework. Prerequisites: Successful completion of Introduction to Robotics. Requirements: Windows or Mac laptop, no Chromebooks or tablets

Introduction to Coding

Introduction to Coding
这门课将向学生介绍计算机科学的世界, 包括介绍计算机的历史和计算机是如何工作的. Over the course of the year, students will learn the Python programming language, 他们会用它来编写自己的程序和算法,然后从课堂上带走. By the end of the year, students will have had experience coding basic functions, data structures, visual effects, and graphical interfaces.  Requirements: Windows or Mac laptop, no Chromebooks or tablets

Introduction to Computer Science and Engineering

Introduction to Computer Science and Engineering
《博彩网址大全》是一门面向计算机科学新手、希望从零开始学习的学生的多面体课程, 也适合那些精通计算机,想要拓展自己技能的学生. This course will take students through the history of computers, the engineering and parts of computers and how they function, and basics of software and workflow. By the end of this course, 学生将建立自己的计算机,他们将在整个课程中使用, and then bring home to keep. Requirements: $600 Materials Fee

Advanced Computer Science and Engineering

Advanced Computer Science and Engineering
高级计算机科学与工程是计算机科学导论的延续. Students who wish to continue with advanced will, instead of taking their computers home, 了解他们自制电脑的先进后端功能和编程,以及互联网的工作原理, how to network, 并在年底将电脑带回家之前完成电脑的升级. 先决条件:成功完成计算机科学与工程导论. Requirements: Fee for Windows 10 License.

STEM Capstone

STEM Capstone
In this course, students will discover and research a problem, propose, develop and execute a solution, then design, construct and present their solutions. Students will learn about current topics in STEAM, participate in round-table discussions, work together to devise solutions to given problems, and understand the importance of design efficiency. 本课程将为学生准备严格的大学论文和研究课程,这些课程将要求学生独立或小组工作,老师的互动最少.

AP Computer Science Principles

AP Computer Science Principles
AP计算机科学原理向学生介绍计算机科学领域的广度. In this course, 学生将学习设计和评估解决方案,并通过开发算法和程序将计算机科学应用于解决问题. 他们将把抽象概念融入到程序中,并利用数据来发现新知识. 学生还将解释计算创新和计算系统如何, including the internet, work, explore their potential impacts, 并为协作和道德的计算机文化做出贡献. 先决条件:成功完成以下至少两门课程-编程入门, Advanced Robotics, Computer Science and Engineering.

AP Computer Science A

AP Computer Science A
AP计算机科学A通过编程向学生介绍计算机科学. 本课程的基本主题包括问题解决方案的设计, the use of data structures to organize large sets of data, 处理数据和发现新信息的算法的开发和实现, the analysis of potential solutions, and the ethical and social implications of computing systems. 本课程强调使用Java编程语言进行面向对象编程和设计. 先决条件:成功完成计算机科学与工程专业, AP Computer Science Principles, and either Introduction to Coding or Advanced Robotics.







Through hands-on, engaging activities that extend beyond the walls of the classroom, students come to realize that science is more than facts. – Virginia Riccardi, Head of School